How to Qualify for Priority Registration
California State University Fullerton supports parenting students, in accordance with the Education Code, by offering priority registration for students who are parents. This program includes all students who have at least one dependent child who is currently under the age of 18, for which you will provide more than half of their financial support, you will be eligible to receive early registration. To gain access to priority registration log into your Student Portal and select the Profile tile in your Student Homepage. You will then select “Dependents” on the navigation bar. Step by step instructions on how to certify that you are eligible, can be found here
For questions or more information, contact the Registration & Records Office at
or 657-278-7601. Or visit the Registration & Records Office in LH-114. Our policy follows California’s legal requirements to provide priority registration. You can review Section 66025.81 of the law here.
The CalFresh Program (formerly known as Food Stamps) helps low-income households increase their food-buying power to meet their household's nutritional needs. CalFresh benefits issued through Electronic Benefit Transfer, also known as EBT card, can be used in grocery stores and participating Farmers Markets. CalFresh is based on income and is open to children, U.S. citizens, and certain non-citizens. To help you determine whether you are eligible, consult this webpage. For questions or more information, contact Basic Needs Services
or 657-278-3583.